Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A birthday meal

It was Rob's "big" birthday. (never fear, he still acts 12)
We got our marriage license!
This is such a funny process. It is like the Love DMV. It's still a government office after all. We were the first appointment of the day, so the place was clear. But when we left there were loads of other couples lined up filling out their paperwork. A glance at the other happy couples highlighted the fact that we are indeed the two oldest people on the planet to ever marry.
For the evening we went to a nice dinner. For a celebration, we thought we would do something different than just "burritos". We visited Limon, a Peruvian Restaurant.

Some people ordered Snapper and it came WHOLE - all nestled into a shell of the fish that had been fried. It was beautiful, and strange, and bearing it's teeth, all at the same time. !!


Risa said...

Congrats on the license. Now you're legal :) The fish looks weird. Its eyes are creepy!!

Anonymous said...

That fish is just a little terrifying.