I need to get my hair done for my wedding. I am trying to gather some pictures together to show how I think I might like it to look. I wanted to share some of the choices I found with you. Now, never mind that my hair is long and curly. Think outside the box with me. First we have a big steaming pile of hair smoothed out and laid on the head. Then, front that with a "star and pearl spray". Isn't that from the "my little pony" dress-up collection?
And this woman's face conveys the joy that a bride should possess... wouldn't you say?
Or, I could opt for the flattened road kill tails, artistically arranged to jut out at varying angles. they are from a collection of different animals, and that is why the various pieces are different colors and different textures.

Both are so natural. Both are so flattering. It is hard to choose.
Hee, hee! Love the descriptions.
Me, I tend to favor hair that's not so different from how the bride normally wears it. I hate it when you go to the wedding and the bride is SO made up and has her hair in some fancy way that she's never worn before that she doesn't look like herself.
Oh, they're both so fabulous! Any chance you could mesh them to create something to include both the star and pearl spray and the road kill tails? Now that would be hot! Hee hee.
I'm glad you're enjoying this!!
couldn't you mix both? the my little pony crown with a tail at the back!
I'm thinking that the pearl/star spray in front is a bit more "Rainbow Brite" than My Little Pony. I was always partial to her. And her hair was made of...
Roadkill-Pony Updo. The price we pay for beauty....
I'd go with the road kill doo. That way it will look the same the first morning of your honeymoon!!!
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