There seem to be two camps of people, those who love Peeps, and cannot have them in their house. And those who would not touch them. I am in the second camp. They are just way way too sweet for me.
But I thought I should do something with all of these left overs rather than put them in the trash. So I found a recipe for Rice Crispy Treats that was even a little bit healthy. The cook book Deceptively Delicious suggests brown rice puffs, and adding a little bit of flax seed. So I thought I would give it a try.

Here are the Peeps melting.

Kind of amusing, and disturbing at the same time.

I melted all the Peeps, and added the flax and the brown rice, and popped them into a Pyrex. Already, I could smell something was wrong. It was not unpleasant, but it smelled more like cotton candy than marshmallow.
I tasted a little piece, and, sure enough, it was just SO SWEET. It would be like walking into the coffee shop and just taking a hit off the sugar dispenser at the condiment station. They were inedible. Everyone in the house thought so. !!!
There was a funny time, when everything was melted, and I stirred, and two eyes came to the surface.

That is just not right!
I think I will try the recipe again, but do it with regular marshmallows.
And I do love the book. Man, you can get vegetables in ANYTHING!
all that extra sugar on the outside of them, just too much!
I LOVE Peeps, so I don't let them in the house, because they're so not good for me. I love the crunchy sugar on the outside, the soft gooey sugar inside.
Those eyes were creepy hilarious!
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