My motto in life is "if you can't eat it or wear it, don't waste your time with it" so quilting and cross stitch have both been held at arms length.
Until now.
I was inspired watching Kat. Earlier this year, she did a quilt along, and I vicariously did too. She started here. And followed the tutorial from "I have to say". It was fun to watch.

On our family vacation up in Minnesota this June, the ladies took a field trip to "Back Porch Quilts", and I saw "the Chirp Chirp" quilt.

"Chirp Chirp" quilt
Originally uploaded by craft room
There was quite a bit of planning and calculating done in the shop. But in the end, the unfortunate counter help, and complete sticker shock sent my back to my family without any fabric.
I came home from that vacation, and went to my sewing area at home. I must have been destine to quilt because I had ALMOST enough fabric for the top of a quilt already in the house. I have been collecting little pieces of sweet fabric to make little girl clothes for a year and a half now. And lo and behold, the stash began to form a quilt in my head.
I'll show you how it's coming!
So glad to be an inspiration. After you get this first one done we should do a quilt along!
A new quilting store has opened in Sonoma!
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